- Yong Le (1st in Class Relay (4 x 400m))
- Jason Khoo (1st in Class Relay (4 x 400m))
- Joan (2nd in Class Relay (4X100m), 1st in 200m, 1st in CCA relay (4x400m))
- Abigail (3rd in 4 x 100m, 3rd for 200m, 2nd in CCA relay (4x100m))
- Alison (2nd in 800m, 2nd in 1500m, 1st in Class Relay (4X400m))
- Lu Yee (1st in 800m, 2nd in Class Relay (4X100m), 1st in Class Relay (4X400m), 1st in 1500m, B division girls' CHAMPION, 2nd of BVSS)
- Zhi Xiang (Audience for Cherry?)
- Shazni (3rd in 150om/3000m, 2nd in CCA relay (4x100m) )
- Yudhi
- Jin Fa ( Participation, *handshake* )
If there's anyone left out, pls msg @ the tagboard
-Edit: For the sake of "someone", I have decided to put "extra comments" for "someone"... XD-
Signing Off,